Trust Your Next Step: Creating the Confidence to Cut Fresh Tracks book and journal

It’s time. It’s time for you to take yourself on, to create your life your way. I call this cutting Fresh Tracks. Cutting Fresh Tracks is not for the faint of heart. It requires you to embrace your true self and take on a new challenge. To step into a new adventure. You know you are ready when you decide to take charge of YOU and begin creating different results in your life. You are ready to live your life your way.
You may have an idea of what you want to do, or just know something in your life is not right. Perhaps you have known this truth for quite some time and feel the purposefulness in achieving this step deep inside. And yet, you pause.
So what’s stopping you?
Taking responsibility for your life and its outcomes is not the norm. In order to create a lifestyle, a business, health, love, happiness, and anything else you desire you will need to choose differently than you ever have before.
You may be choosing to do things that no one in your family has ever done.
Things like:
- Leaving a life of poverty and struggle
- Loving your body
- Working from home
- Traveling
- Feeling confident in your own skin
- Leaving a safe corporate job and doing your own thing
- Creating an online business
- Spending more time with your family
- Making double the money in your business
- Living your divine purpose
- Having more fun and adventure
- Stopping boredom
- Coming out of the spiritual closet
- Coming out of the sexual closet
I call this cutting Fresh Tracks.
You can order the book here now: Amazon Prefer to listen? The book is available on audio too!
A percentage of all book sales are donated to The Women's Bean ProjectWomen’s Bean Project believes all women have the power to transform their lives through employment. They hire women who are chronically unemployed and teach them to work by making nourishing products that they sell across the US through some of the country’s largest retailers. Through their work at Women’s Bean Project, the women learn to stand tall, find their purpose and break the cycle of poverty. Because when you change a woman’s life, you change her family’s life. Cutting Fresh Tracks and making a difference.
Trust Your Next Step Journal

This journal is meant to be used in conjunction with the book, Trust Your Next Step: Creating the Confidence to Cut Fresh Tracks.
There are several ways to leverage these teachings. The work can be completed one chapter at a time as you are reading the book. Alternatively, you can read the book through once in its entirety and then complete the workbook exercises as you go through the book a second time.
Completing these exercises will give you insights on yourself and specifically areas where you are not trusting yourself completely. If you are struggling to create change in an area of your life, the exercises in this workbook may provide insights into where you are stopping. You will also find you develop a deeper understanding of why you do some of the things you do that prevent you from moving forward in your life.
Whether you focus on a specific area of the book that grabbed your attention, or you complete each exercise in order one by one, listen to yourself. Listen to the internal dialogue that comes up, and take action, even if it’s in one small area, to creating your Fresh Tracks. Even minuscule steps forward are steps forward! Don’t judge, do.
Most importantly, trust that this is your next step. And enjoy the journey. Purchase the journal here now.
Purchase both the book and journal today here
What some folks have to say about the book…
“Kelly makes the metaphor of cutting fresh tracks irresistible to this Arizona gal! Her commitment to personal growth, fidelity to the power of universal principles, and her clear writing style invite the reader on a journey worth taking. Enjoy!”
Karen Russo, The Money Keys, Scottsdale, AZ,
“Kelly’s bold take on how to create the life you desire sheds light on the multitude of opportunities available to all of us. Her easy-going, conversational style makes understanding and implementing Universal Law possible in all areas of your life.”
David Neagle
Just Believe,
“Kelly Robbins has an amazing gift for cutting right to the heart of the matter and then helping carve a path forward. She not only offers tremendous insight into the struggles we all face, but also offers tangible, actionable ideas to break out of your rut and move forward with purpose and clarity.
Even though I’ve been creating my own fresh tracks, I know I still have limiting believes that have made the journey more difficult than necessary. Trust Your Next Step has helped me recommit to my journey with passion and enthusiasm.”
Lisa Cutter
Cutter Communications,